Sunday, August 21, 2005
Agora tudo vai bem. Hoje tive que falar na igreja. Acho que correu bem as pessoas davam risadas, outras ate choraram... vai entender. Eu vou colocar o texto do que falei embaixo, eu tentei colocar as piadinhas que fiz mas nao sei se vai ter graca so lendo.
Mom e Eu.
Celeste e Rich
Francine e Ariel
Persevearance Through Change
I have such a hard time dealing with change it's unbeleivable! I completely despise routine, and yet still find myself
complaining whenever things don't happen my way. I htink that it's just the fact that in most cases it simply feels like i'm not in control, but really that's just a matter of perspective... and i'll show you how through a few examples... there's this little girl and she's about 4 years old, very very cute, hazel eyes, brown hair well and so one day this little girl (and we'll call her maggy for privacy issues!) so maggy, is awaken by the uttlery loud and profane words that were coming from her parents mouths, they were fighting big time, but maggy didn't know what was going no, jeeez she didn't have a clue, all she knew ws that it was scary and also that something wasn't right. - later to be told that daddy was leaving, but that he'd come back to visit her eventually.
Now, maggy had no influence over what had happened, she had no control over it either, but even so her life was changing, her life. Was maggy sad? oh yes, and boy did she want to see mommy and daddy together again! but what could she do? she could either live a msierable life not accepting the fact that things had changed despite how deplorable it all was, or she could choose to adapt to the new situation. Which she did, instead of staying stuck in that moment she opted for being supportive of her hurting mother, an deventually together with their strenghts and support combined ever far they went.
well, and so maggy grew older.. i mean, that's what usually happens you grow older! even in little analogies, and ficticous stories... well no, except for in peter pan! or well, anyway... maggy is now probably 15... still very very cute. she had transitioned from being a kid full of energy to being a teenager full of energy! She was very much into music, absolutely loved rock! Very clever, and very smart... always did her homework but never really studied for tests, she didn't quite gasp the idea of being judged based on some dumb multiple questions! she was quite popular, liked to joke was the class clown, hung around with the "bad" kids in the back! but one day she happened to run into another "bad" kid who sat in the back and loved rock. and they became inseparable friends. he was the sweetest guy, and they were a perfect match. but it ws quite a pure and sweet friendship relationship, like, although they both loved each other and they both knew they loved each other they never really crossed that line. although i know that sometimes they wished they did! anyway, they went through high school together and that's how they made, only because they were together.
but one day, his parents sad "you know what son, we have to move" and off they went to a different city, to a different school, diffeent routines. maggy was devasted, that last day of school, they hugged, they held on to each other as if a , they were terrified crying and crying and crying, sobbing really, many many tears... and while their parents pronounced that with telephone and vacations and holidays they would be able to see each other it still seemed like a hopeless situation. and well as the days went by, it was easier... little by little the distance didn't seem to matter that much.
One day, maggy get's a phone call... perhaps a phone call she wished she had never received... her boy, that one, had died in a car crash. her best friend ever... and she never really understood why. and now left only to live with the fond memories of the love of her life. but she got over it, or well learned to accept it.
it was an end, but it was the beggingni of a transition as well. and whenever there's a transition there's and end. sometimes, they're hard to deal with very hard. but then ya know, gradually a new life style is put into place... and on and on we go.
we can choose to resist change or accept it... either way, it's gonna change! it'll just determine whether or not we're going to be miserable or not! sometimes, we have to lean on someone else for help.
often times traditions are threatend... "oh but we always did it this way" / or it seems like it's not clear, it lacks in direction and it brings fear of the unknown and this fear is produces reluctance, and i know that;'s why i struggle with change.
ya know, the story still didn't end for maggy... maggy graduated from high school, and decided that she wanted change, ironically! no specific reason, obviously she could give it some reasom but deep inside all she wanted was change. now i didn't mention that, but maggy had a hard time wth change to, like we all do... she had fear of the unknown to her, because at first the unknown to her when it became known it wasn't good, or so she thought so... i mean when she was finally able to understand that her parentsd couldnt live together, they were already gone making it all so more dificult... but then with that came the good, no matter how cliche that is "with the good comes the bad and with the bad comes the good" cliche? yes but you get it so... well anyway, by living with a single mom she was able to build a relationship with her mom that would probably never exist had her parents lived together... they were best friends, and they were both seeking change... i mean, we do it we hate it and we love, we despise it but we look for it and that's what they did...
everyone told them they were crazy, but even so they decided that they wanted to move to a different country... and, that's not easy. having to start from scratch... and well, leaving it all behind, not only the material luggage the emotional one as well... having to detach from absolutely everything. but because they had the support of each other, because they knew that they could fully rely on each other... having to pack all their belogngins in only two-suitcases was totally possible... and they did it! re-examining the old, being opened and flexible, taking control, and best of keeping their "sunny-side" up!
ya know, there's this e-mail thingy i got once... one of those forwards, and i bet some of you have already seen it... it's kind of cheesy, but i've always liked it so much... so i'll read it to you... but please don't go on off mode just because you heard i'll read it it's very short...
It Depends on Who's Hand's it's In
A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Mark McGuire's hands is worth about $19 million.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Venus Williams' hands is a championship win.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy.
A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.It depends on whose hands it's in.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God's hands will feed thousands.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse.
Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
As you see now it depends on whose hands it's in.
o put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your
families and your relationships in God's hands because ...
It depends on whose hands it's in.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Essa semana fui ao cinema. nquanto minha mae e celeste faziam aula de algyum artesanato qualquer fui assistir 'Must Love Dogs', o filme e bonzinho uma love story bobinha. Ai ontem assisti 'Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory' com o Johnny Depp! Yes, queria muito ver este.
Domingo vou ter que falar na igreja. Nao sei ainda sobre o que... acho que vou falar sobre mudancas.
Nossa acabei de lembrar de uma coisa preciso ir!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Maezinha felizinha de abelinha
Maezinha que gosta de fazer caretas
Maezinha que precisa segurar os dedos para encontrar refugio e seguranca... o que esta se preparando para cantar uma opera
Maezinha que fica mais velha, mas nao cresce
Maezinha que gosta de fazer pose e nao consegue sorrir de olho aberto
Maezinha seria assistindo tv
Maezinha brincalhona
Maezinha e Eu... as duas de olhos fechados!
Maezinha estrela... minha estrela.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Uma coisa e certa, nao foi dos anos mais faceis, mas foi um dos mais felizes. Nao fizemos a america ainda, mas tambem nao lavamos privada!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Chegamos sexta de noite la pra umas 8 depois de termos nos perdido legal por que estavamos convversando e perdemos a saida.
La foi bem divertido, comemos docinhos na fogueira, olhamos as estrelas em um ceu fenomenal, e nos divertimos no karaoke... e claro que nao cantei no karaoke me borro de vergonha. Nossa meu, vi uma estrela cadente muito louca! Na verdade eles chamam de fire ball ou bola de fogo... e literalmente uma bola de fogo que passa caindo como uma estrela cadente, nossa espetacular mesmo.
Depois dormi em uma barraca com uma menina desconhecida... o meu amiguinho Michael levou uma barraca mas estava com preguica de montar, entao em compencacao achou alguem que ia dormir sozinho na barraca! Mas valeu.
Ai de manha estava deitada na barraca com a portinha aberta so olhando pro ceu e pra fora.... de repente vejo um veadinho passando do lado da minha barraca e depois outro!!
Voltamos pra casa e percebi que estava sem as chaves entao James me deixou no Farmers Market onde estava minha mae. Maezinha ficou super feliz de me ver.. por la ficamos ate acabar o Farmers Market. Depois fomos almocar no McDonalds e eu comi um sanduiche de frango.
Voltamos pra casa e eu capotei total ate umas sete da noite!! Nossa como dormi. Depois saimos e fomos ao cinema assistir 'March of The Penguins' um documentario sobre penguins. Foi otimo, recomendo. Ainda bem que nao sou penguim.
Essa noite tive sonhos mais ou menos ruins. E na parte da manha sonhei que era um peixe foragido. De tarde hoje fomos em uma festinha no parque depois que voltei da igreja.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Um otimo livro que eu ainda nao terminei de ler depois de meses.
Essa torre e bem loucainha... representa alguma coisa que nao sei direito, mas cada pedra veio de um lugar diferente dos estados unidos... pelo menos uma pedra de cada estado.
Na segunda a gente foi em um hike, uma escalada ao topo da monthanha... quase morri, mas quando cheguei la tirei essa foto que esta bem ruimzinha e nao da pra ver nada... pelo menos da pra ter nocao de como estava alto.
Coisas essenciais do meu dia-a-dia... bombinha, carteira de motorista, cracha, e cartao de visita.
Today there's this summer social thingy for women in business up at Log Haven so we're going to that, nao estava muito afins but i guess it'll be good. Nao sei direito o que vestir tem que ser mais social. Meu eu engordei de novo!
Oooh sexta eu vou sair pra acampar com o povinho da minha igreja. Acampamento de verdade no meio do mato sem nada de nada! Uhg! Nao sei como vai ser, mas i think it'll be fun. - Um carinha Michael perguntou '-Nash vc vai pro camp na sexta?' eu olhei pra ele e falei 'hhmmm acho que nao, nao tenho saco-de-dormir' ai ele bem rapido fala 'eu tenho saco-de-dormir te empresto' ai eu falo 'hmmm mas tambem nao tenho barraca' ai ele vira e fala 'eu tenho barraca, te empresto' ai droga haha virei pra ele e vim com a desculpa mais esfarrapada 'hmmmm mas eu nao sei montar barraca!' haha ai ele falou 'eu monto!' entao pronto nao tive saida e falei que ia! haha eu ia ir mas fazer doce e tao bom! isso me lembra, preciso comprar pilhas.