Monday, May 31, 2004
'Life is Now in Session. Are You Present?'
- B. Copeland
- B. Copeland
Wow wow wow wow wow, and WOW! - My life is shifting. 360 degrees is an understatement of what's happening!
I swear I thought that those doubts we face during our senior year in high school... Things such as 'what do I do with my life now?' 'where do I wanna go?' 'what do I wanna be?' 'what school?' 'what major?' 'what country?'... Stuff like that, well I thought I'd only have to go through that once. Boy was I wrong!
Jeez. Remember the fund thing I was gonna do? Get some money so that I could pay for college? Ok, that program is from my church, it's great stuff. - Since things at my school are a bit 'grey' I would have to do it as soon as possible and that would mean get the papers in by Thursday at the most. - Now, we are going to the US, it's a fact. Given. I need a sponsor, and just yesterday I got this call from some folks at our church who are willing to sponsor me, not actually sponsor me but at least sign the papers saying they'll sponsor me so that I can get accepted into college. What really would be perfect would be find an actual sponsor that could sponsor me, since we're out of money, and will only have cash when we sell our house. Anyways... Mom said 'Nash, you aware of the risks in all this?' I'm aware, but it's kind of scary come to think about it! Things might not work out, although it's like 95% sure we're going, and then I will have lost my fund opportunity, meaning I will have lost my college year. Then I'll have to sit and bum for 6 more months. It is a risky risk, but I say let's give it a try. I'm filling out the application forms for the LDS Business College, they don't have corporate communication major (the one I'm taking now), but they do have Visual communication which is in the same area so... Yeah. I swear this is serious talk this time. I'm applying for the fall semester... Right around the corner.
I went over to PACA today to get the high school section of the application form done with the help of my counselor. - Got that settled, he'll be mailing the stuff in. Good, I don't have to worry about that. - It was so good getting to see Mr. Brennan and just talking to him. I dunno why, but it felt just so peaceful and right. Actually, my entire time there felt good and happy. I talked to a few people... Chit chatted and left, that was it. But it was great!
We're pretty much just waiting for one phone call to drop the hammer and say we're leaving for sure. How exciting is that?! Wow.
Saturday, May 29, 2004
'Sally Sells Seashells at The Seashore, The Shells She Sells Are Surely Seashells.'
I have an easy quite efficient way of making myself noticed by others when i'm at an unknown place. I've used this method twice now that I can recall, and it's definitely an ice breaker that works. - The first time I used it was about 1 year ago at church camp. I was lost, one in the crowd who knew absolutely no one, and who didn't wanna be there for such reasons. I go to the auditorium where they're gonna have the opening ceremony, quite distressed for having to sit by myself. Find myself a seat and aim my butt, sorry behind, at this white plastic fragile looking chair to make myself comfy. - Apparently I did a very good job at aiming, bulls eye most likely! I sat on that chair and the thing went straight to the floor!! (Fragile, indeed.) - 200 people are now staring at me blanked-faced. I was introduced. - Today, may 29th 8:35am: English class, teaching a bunch of kids around the age of 17. No excitement at all as they have a stranger (me) talking to them, and as better plans probably float in their minds of better things to do, such as sleeping. Rocking back and forth, playing with a pen, sticking my hands in my pocket at every two seconds, I decide it's wise to sit for a while. My marketing teacher says that such attitudes portray insecurity, anxiety... we don't want that. - As I'm talking, or teaching, sounds better, I pull a chair and sit on it... except for I don't sit where we're supposed to sit. I sit where we're supposed to lay our arms, and have both my feet where we're supposed to have our butts. Give me three words of what I was saying and I see screws and nails, flying all over! I make a dramatic fall to the ground and the piece of wood I was sitting on, lands right next to me, quite comical. - 'Well, hi I'm Nashlah nice to meet ya.'
Hahaha then they wanna laugh at you but can't, cuz they gotta show some respect whatsoever for the weirdo who's talking to them! 'Dude, just chill... laugh with me'! I told them... Hahaha
After that my students were wired, nice and ready to learn whatever I had for them. Perfect play. - I did manage to cut myself on the leg though. I guess it's part of the fun of making a fool of yourself.
I'm getting ready to teach at that english school. The lady called me 2 days ago wondering if i could sub for another teacher, i told her yes so off i go... interesting they're not gonna train me. Brrr it's so cold, and waking up this early is harrrrd!
Mom is back and everything is back to normal. I'm typing from my computer at this exact moment. Yay! and Humpf!
It's good when people travel and bring ya lot's of gifts, especially when it's your mommy.
Yesterday i visited Ju. It was nice getting to see her.
I'm still trying to think of something fun to give my kids (wow, haven't tought them yet and they're already my kids!).
Mom is back and everything is back to normal. I'm typing from my computer at this exact moment. Yay! and Humpf!
It's good when people travel and bring ya lot's of gifts, especially when it's your mommy.
Yesterday i visited Ju. It was nice getting to see her.
I'm still trying to think of something fun to give my kids (wow, haven't tought them yet and they're already my kids!).
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Had a good day today. Worked all day on the project presentation for history class. It looks good. - The presentation went well... i guess it could've been a bit better, but we'll get a mighty good grade.
For lunch today, my aunt and i went to a restaurant they have near by her house. It was yummy, but it was also kind of sad... not that we were sad, but the idea was sad. It was like our last lunch together, since mom is flying in tomorrow morning and i'm going back home. I really enjoyed my stay here, and part of me kinda wished i could stay here some more! My aunt and i get along pretty well, and we have lots in common.
I talked to my grandma and she was dissapointed with me, cuz i never got to stay at her house. Ela faz chantagem emocional, and it so freakin' annoys me! Dang.
I had a great time at college today.
Ya know that feeling inside when you don't want things to go back to normal? Well, that's the feeling i've got.
For lunch today, my aunt and i went to a restaurant they have near by her house. It was yummy, but it was also kind of sad... not that we were sad, but the idea was sad. It was like our last lunch together, since mom is flying in tomorrow morning and i'm going back home. I really enjoyed my stay here, and part of me kinda wished i could stay here some more! My aunt and i get along pretty well, and we have lots in common.
I talked to my grandma and she was dissapointed with me, cuz i never got to stay at her house. Ela faz chantagem emocional, and it so freakin' annoys me! Dang.
I had a great time at college today.
Ya know that feeling inside when you don't want things to go back to normal? Well, that's the feeling i've got.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Had a busy day today. Took a course on budgeting. It's part of the process of asking for a fund to help me pay for my college. I'll be in deep trouble if it doesn't get approved... dunno what i'll do then.
Wow i travelled the entire city today. Took 3 different busses to reach my destination, walked like a camel as well. 'Andei que nem um camelo' makes more sense in portuguese than 'walked like a camel' in english! But, the idea is the same so it works...
On my way there i was kind of lost after the last bus dropped me off... well, walking around looking for a certain street i spot two elders... hey perfect! I'll ask them were the institute is, cuz they oughta know. They look american. Cute as always (elders are always cute). I come to them and say: 'Olá!' They look at me and nicely answer back... i stare them in the face and ask 'You guys speek english?', With a huge smile on their faces they answer 'Yeah!' - So we start talking... we stood there chatting for like 15 minutes. They were on their 'P day' and it was really their last day on mission... they were really nice. - Oh, and they didn't know where the institute was!
The course lasted 3 hours... and it was really just me a t.v. and the manual. The remote control was broken so i did some excercise while running to the t.v. every time it said 'stop' on the screen.
Then i went with my aunt and her friend to a friends house for some pizza... it was all very enjoyable.
Wow i travelled the entire city today. Took 3 different busses to reach my destination, walked like a camel as well. 'Andei que nem um camelo' makes more sense in portuguese than 'walked like a camel' in english! But, the idea is the same so it works...
On my way there i was kind of lost after the last bus dropped me off... well, walking around looking for a certain street i spot two elders... hey perfect! I'll ask them were the institute is, cuz they oughta know. They look american. Cute as always (elders are always cute). I come to them and say: 'Olá!' They look at me and nicely answer back... i stare them in the face and ask 'You guys speek english?', With a huge smile on their faces they answer 'Yeah!' - So we start talking... we stood there chatting for like 15 minutes. They were on their 'P day' and it was really their last day on mission... they were really nice. - Oh, and they didn't know where the institute was!
The course lasted 3 hours... and it was really just me a t.v. and the manual. The remote control was broken so i did some excercise while running to the t.v. every time it said 'stop' on the screen.
Then i went with my aunt and her friend to a friends house for some pizza... it was all very enjoyable.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Went to the movies... ALONE, ahem. It was fun... i watched '50 First Dates' - Crappy, but exactly what i was looking forward to watch! Had a good laugh. I like Drew Barymore.
After that i went to my friends house... she'll be 24 tomorrow and so decided to throw a party today, since monday isn't a very good day to do so. Although i'd say some religious people would rather pick a monday than a sunday... to keep the sabath ya know, but that wasn't her case. - The party was scheduled for 3 in the afternoon. I really wanted to go to the movies. So i arrived at the party at about quarter past five. There was no one i knew there other than my friend, her mom and step father... aparently she had spoken about me to some of her friends, and boyfriend so they kinda at least had a clue of who i was. It's funny, cuz they look at me expecting to see someone real funny and hyper, and i was really quiet... for obvious reasons... i didn't know anyone there, and i am super shy despite what some people might think/say. It takes a while for me to crack that shell...
Then i called my aunt and she came and picked me up... how sweet of her. She was especially worried that i would get a ride with a drunk someone or something, so mercyfuly voluntered to come pick me up.
Came back and worked on college stuff. Boring! So much freaking work... grrr!
After that i went to my friends house... she'll be 24 tomorrow and so decided to throw a party today, since monday isn't a very good day to do so. Although i'd say some religious people would rather pick a monday than a sunday... to keep the sabath ya know, but that wasn't her case. - The party was scheduled for 3 in the afternoon. I really wanted to go to the movies. So i arrived at the party at about quarter past five. There was no one i knew there other than my friend, her mom and step father... aparently she had spoken about me to some of her friends, and boyfriend so they kinda at least had a clue of who i was. It's funny, cuz they look at me expecting to see someone real funny and hyper, and i was really quiet... for obvious reasons... i didn't know anyone there, and i am super shy despite what some people might think/say. It takes a while for me to crack that shell...
Then i called my aunt and she came and picked me up... how sweet of her. She was especially worried that i would get a ride with a drunk someone or something, so mercyfuly voluntered to come pick me up.
Came back and worked on college stuff. Boring! So much freaking work... grrr!
Saturday, May 22, 2004
I had a good day after all. Went to my grandma's house with my aunt, and we all had lunch together. Mom called while we were there, so it was kinda fun we all got to talk to her and see how she's doing. I miss her, and maybe that's why i was kinda frustrated... I can't seem to figure out my own feelings, but I'm starting to think that it's just because I miss her.
So, she's not getting me the Prozac Nation book cuz apparently she didn't like it... Now, how sad is that?! Who's gonna read the darn book anyways?!
I was supposed to have gone to that choir concert, but I changed my mind big time. I don't usually do that. Well, stayed home and worked on college stuff. Somewhat productive.
Then when my aunt came back we went to that delicious padaria and had some dinner... It was fun. It was cold... We sat there, ate and talked some... Very enjoyable. - Made it home, did some homework... And went to bed.
My aunt enjoys writing and reading... So we were talking about books and stuff because I had mentioned that I went to a sebo near by her house with Tephie... It was so funny cuz we were looking at some books when we got home, and I grab this book that looked interesting... She looks at me and says 'oh that's a good book... It's about this guy who isn't crazy and lives in a nuts house.' - 'I think, wait a minute I have a book in my bag about a guy who lives in a nut house that I've been reading for what seems to be ever, and I can never make it through it,' I say. Well I get the book and it's the same book! Haha what a coincidence! Hers is in Portuguese, mine is in English... Well now, it ruins it all! I know the guy isn't crazy! Hahaha
So, she's not getting me the Prozac Nation book cuz apparently she didn't like it... Now, how sad is that?! Who's gonna read the darn book anyways?!
I was supposed to have gone to that choir concert, but I changed my mind big time. I don't usually do that. Well, stayed home and worked on college stuff. Somewhat productive.
Then when my aunt came back we went to that delicious padaria and had some dinner... It was fun. It was cold... We sat there, ate and talked some... Very enjoyable. - Made it home, did some homework... And went to bed.
My aunt enjoys writing and reading... So we were talking about books and stuff because I had mentioned that I went to a sebo near by her house with Tephie... It was so funny cuz we were looking at some books when we got home, and I grab this book that looked interesting... She looks at me and says 'oh that's a good book... It's about this guy who isn't crazy and lives in a nuts house.' - 'I think, wait a minute I have a book in my bag about a guy who lives in a nut house that I've been reading for what seems to be ever, and I can never make it through it,' I say. Well I get the book and it's the same book! Haha what a coincidence! Hers is in Portuguese, mine is in English... Well now, it ruins it all! I know the guy isn't crazy! Hahaha
Friday, May 21, 2004
Frustrated... very frustrated.
I'm home, or at my aunts house, home for now. Decided not to go to college tonight, i was hoping to do something fun, or just plain talk on the phone or something... should've just gone to school.
Went and watched Troy. Didn't like it. Brad Pitt is a hotey, but in my opinion he should stick to the 'romantic-not-so-violent' movies... not his genre. I fell asleep in the middle of it! I was freaking bored.
These days has got me down. I don't know what it is, i just know that i've been trying to avoid the feeling, or rather trying to understand it better... but it makes no difference, i'm still indifferent about things.
I'm going to the choir concert at my old school tomorrow.
I wanna talk to someone!
I feel like going for a walk... but it's late and dangerous.
I hate it when things don't go my way... or when i plan something and it doesn't come through.
Busy day tomorrow. I wanna finish my school work, but i just can't get myself to do so. I'm so annoyed it annoys me. I'm so boring i shall depart.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
'O Melhor Elogio Que Alguém Pode te Dar é a Inveja.' -Unknown
Nossa que dia mais improdutivo. I woke up late, took a nice and hot shower, got dressed, worked a bit (emphasis on the 'bit'), answered some e-mails, and went out for lunch. Oh man, had a delicious petit gato (I really don't know how to spell that!)... It was perfect! Cold weather - ice cream - and immediately after that delicious hot chocolate fudge or whatever that is! Oh Yum! Happiness.
Didn't go on that date. Mr. P had to stay in for work so we're going next week. Whatever...
Tomorrow: BRAD PITT! Yeah. I also have to go to that English school to get my work schedule done, so I figure that after that, I might go to the mall, and who knows maybe see a film before I meet with my aunt for the Brad Pitt session. I'm very much into going to the movies more than once a day. Pretty weird. I'm weird tho. I also like to be cold. They say that's weird as well. Oh, and I don't like rice, they also say that's weird. "I'm a freak..."
Came back from college earlier today. I don't think I'll have to go to college on Thursdays anymore till the end of the semester, the grades are already in, and there's nothing else to do there!
Nota: 9,0! Grrr porque não um 10?! Holy crap we seriously deserved 100%... guess they didn't think so. 90% is a good grade after all, but it's not the best grade, meaning that our group won't present at that acclaimed publicity school... all because some of the students (or actually all of them) don't really like us... or in better words, they can't stop themselves from being annoyed at us because we are fun. - Not that we are fun... but we are! It sounds like I'm so full of myself, but seriously if you saw our project compared to other projects you'd know what I mean. It was good stuff. Professional. Oh well, I should be thankful with a grateful heart. Right... right...
I really wanna learn how to speak Italian! Hahaha I've listened to the T. Ferro CD like all day today!
Local: Ônibus, indo pra escola.
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (Musiquinha brega) 'Alô Oi to no ônibus.'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (Fazendo vozinha de criança coitada) 'Ah não to penduradinha aqui!'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: 'Ah não se preocupe já dei um jeitinho, pode falar.'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (Flertando) 'Awwww que bonitinho!'
Gordinho Metido e Feio: (Bravo, mas tentando ser bonzinho) 'Rogério? Oi, e aí conseguiu? Ahã ta...
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: 'Não, não... Você ta no rádio? Ta entendi...'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (Ainda flertando) 'Ah vai porque não?!'
Gordinho Metido e Feio: 'Você deu um jeito nos scripts?'
Gordinho Metido e Feio: (Impaciente... ele não sabe que paciência é uma virtude!) 'Ta passa pro servidor teste.'
Homem de Bigode Que Cochilava: (Mais uma musiquinha brega) 'Ahem Oi! Huh?!! Não, não tem ninguém com esse nome! Humpf!'
Jovem Gordinho, Bonitinho, Desengonçado: (Até que enfim um toque decente!) 'Oi. Não, não é assim! Maior combustão, melhor desempenho!'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (Com o sorriso maior que a boca e falando alto com voz de criancinha) 'Ah não você primeiro!'
Gordinho Metido e Feio: (Indignado) 'Amanhã de manhã eu vejo!'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (na mesma) 'No três hein! 1... 2... 3...
Gordinho Metido e Feio: (Desencanado) 'Ta tchau.'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: 'Você também não desligou!'
Jovem Gordinho, Bonitinho, Desengonçado: 'Ah então, eu to com os cd's aqui.'
Jovem Gordinho, Bonitinho, Desengonçado: (meio apaixonado) 'Depois eu te dou... beeeeijo. Tchau.'
Mulher Bonita Tipo Modelo Fútil: (desesperada!) 'Ah ta bom vai... Beijo na boca! Tchauziho!
Dude, é impressionante como o toque de um celular é semelhante a uma abelha! Sabe quando a gente pisa na abelha e ela solta aquele liquidinho que atrai outras abelhas? Então, eu bato uma aposta que quando toca um celular dentro do ônibus ele exala alguma coisa que atrai o toque dos outros celulares! É incrível não falha!
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
'No Controles mi Forma de Pensar Porque es Total y a Todo el Mundo Gusto, Porque no Controles mi Forma de Actuar Porque es Total, y a Todo el Mundo Gusto, Porque No Controles Mis Sentidos, no Controles Mis Vestidos.' -Cafe Tacuba
So today I got the 5th essay done from that 10 essays project. We're getting there... little by little.
I had to go back to the document place; it's my mom's old college. But this time my aunt couldn't drive me there so I took the bus. Then on my way back I stopped at the drivers Ed place and asked them how much I owed them so that I could finish my classes and eventually get my drivers license, cuz it's been taking freaking too much time! And also I heard that they might close down, so I have to get my documents out of there as soon as possible.
Excusa se no parlo piano. I'm a very talkative person. I'm impressed by the hour! ...On the phone especially.
I ended up not going to the movies today... we left it for tomorrow. This Mr. P guy is kind of funny. He's really into movies and stuff, but he's not a big fan of American movies... rather known as the 'cult' type who only watches Brazilian and European movies. I don't care, as long as he's aware that he might just come out as an ass sometimes.
Ok breaking news! The lady from that english school 'Skill' just called (i swear it was at this exact moment) scheduling a meeting for friday at 11:00am to set things for me to teach there next semester. Not bad, eh?!
Histórias de um 'Velhinho Pacato', Mr. Ed (Edmundo para os íntimos)
Me: Você já fez uma menina chorar?
Mr. Ed: Tem uma historinha que também é legal pra eu te contar. Eu conheci uma menina, uma espanhola, cabelo ruivo até em baixo, uma coisa linda. Ela era namorada de um amigo meu. Todo mundo gostava de mim. Eu era bom mesmo. no bom sentido é claro (ahã!). Eu era líder dos rapazes e eles todos me enchiam o saco! 'Porra se tem que sair com essa menina!' Mas eu não ia namorar menina de amigo meu né (claro que não!), mas aí um dia ela passou na frente da firma e me perguntou se eu queria ir com ela no aeroporto porque o Ronivon ia chegar de viagem e ela queria uma assinatura. Mas é aquela coisa... Perguntei, mas você não ta namorando fulano, e ela falou que não, que tinha terminado. Então eu fui. No aeroporto eu perguntei o que que é esse braço pendurado aí? Porque você sabe né, a gente faz isso pra ver como o outro vai reagir. Aí o Ronivon chegou... Que engraçado né ele chegou de ônibus no aeroporto! Mas enfim, ela foi pegar a assinatura dele, eu fiquei só olhando porque vou querer assinatura de hombre! ...Foram três meses, eu adorava ela, mas é aquela coisa como eu já te falei, o que eu sentia por uma eu sentia por todas. Eu não queria casar... Eu queria casar velho. Aí um dia fui na casa dela... Sentei no murinho virei pra ela e falei: 'a gente precisa conversar.' Aí ela disse que já sabia e virou as costas, foi pra ponta do muro e disse: 'é eu sei... Tive um pressentimento ruim hoje de manhã. Você quer terminar comigo.' Aí eu tive que aproveitar a oportunidade e disse: 'Sim.' Eu olhei pra ela e só vi aquela lágrima escorrendo na bochechinha dela. Nossa isso acabou comigo! Mas também nunca mais, nunca fiz nenhuma outra menina chorar. Aí ela perguntou 'mas a gente pode pelo menos ser amigos? Porque minha mãe gosta de você e só me deixa sair com você.' Aí eu disse que sim, 'Sim a gente pode ser amigos.'
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
'Life is Not a Static Thing.' -Everett Dirksen
Had an adventurous day today. Anyone who's driven in a car with my aunt would consider it an adventure! Haha that was mean. She's scared of driving, got herself a brand new car and has nowhere to drive it since she works at home. Having a car of her own was like a dream... one of those that last your entire life. Except for this one she managed to accomplish before it was too late. - So now she has a car and? Well, we all ask ourselves that! Haha she goes here and there, pretty much panicking, but supposedly enjoys to be doing so! Go figure. All I know is that today I had to go pick some documents, near by my old school and asked her to take me. She was happy, that I was asking her to drive me somewhere, and also for having another reason to drive and practice, so she took me. It wasn't that bad! I'm exaggerating. We got there in peace, sort of, and alive, thus my post!
Nossa, ninguém foi na aula ontem! Que vergonha! Fiquei eu lá, pobre coitada, largada, sozinha, estrochada, no canto, como um cãozinho abandonado! Snif... snif... Nossa estou abismada, nenhuma pessoazinha amiguinha foi... Nem uma! Ahem recompondo... Hahaha, diga-se de passagem, que o Sr. Paulo monitor deve ter ficado feliz! Hahaha A pois bem, isto me leva a comentar algo. Nomearemos tal pratica como 'Sessão Fofoca', prática essa, bastante reconhecida entre pessoas outras é claro, mas que fará parte de nossas vidas apenas esta vez, lógico, não tenha dúvidas... Somos pessoas dignas, que passam a quilômetros de distância de qualquer coisa similar a esta prática. - Ou será 'Seção Fofoca'? Também pode ser 'Cessão Fofoca' né? Deixe-me averiguar já que a pressa é inimiga da perfeição... Ah é bom também, já que hoje terei prova de português na faculdade sobre isto mesmo (ou será 'isso mesmo'?) ta vendo? É bom verificar...
Então ta... É 'Sessão Fofoca'. 'Seção' assim quer dizer setor/repartição, e 'Cessão' assim quer dizer o ato de ceder. Com isso (ou isto!) esclarecido passaremos adiante para a grande dúvida do 'Este' ou 'Esse'!...
Bom, o do 'Esse' ou 'Este' não entendi muito bem! Aqui fala que o 'Este' é utilizado quando indica algo que está próximo à pessoa que fala (1ª pessoa), ou que se mencionará imediatamente depois... E que o 'Esse' indica o que está próximo à pessoa com quem se fala (2ª pessoa). Aha! Entendi! Ok, bom neste caso podemos continuar com nossa 'Sessão Fofoca' que na realidade não é bem uma continuação já que nem começamos ainda! Caramba já falei tanto que agora estou com preguiça de escrever sobre isso! Vou deixar pra amanhã!
Hahaha brincadeirinha... Se bem que nem é fofoca... É só uma coisinha que aconteceu ontem. Ta chega de enrolação. Eu sempre sento naquele computador do canto lá no fundo certo? E naquela fileira só senta agente mais ninguém... Então como eu havia dito, fiquei sozinha. O Sr. Paulo monitor, o qual nos referiremos como Mr. P, ficou conversando comigo como já é de costume. Só que desta vez como não tinha mais ninguém lá nós conversamos a aula inteira! Hahaha teve uma hora que o Age virou pra gente e falou: 'Mr. P não vou falar nada não, mas já estou ficando com ciúmes!' Hahaha e agente nem tava atrapalhando a aula! Eu juro. Nem sei o que vai cair na prova porque tava mais interessante a conversa com o Mr. P... Bom, conversa vai... Conversa vem... E ele me convidou para ir ao cinema com ele amanhã! Hahaha
Ish caramba tenho que correr se não vou chegar atrasada na escola.
Monday, May 17, 2004
'Ti Guardo Fisso e Tremo, All'idea di Averti Accanto.' -T. Ferro
Oh baby I paid everything I had to pay, now we're talking business! - It's all done... Nothing on hold, yeah! It was a darn busy day, went to the bank re-did my bank internet password cuz I tried one too many times putting in the wrong number, so they canceled it (oops!). Stood in line for over an hour to get those bills paid, jeez I wonder how mom pays those bills, cuz I never see her standing in line in a bank! Then I went to the post office to deliver some orders from our website. Liar liar pants on fire, that just reminded me that I didn't pay all of the bills! I had to go to another bank, but when I walked through the threshold (hmm inspired!) it was freaking crowded so I left that deal for tomorrow.
On another note, I have nothing else to say! Hmm what do ya say?! - Nothing, just like me?! Yeah I thought so...
Oh duh I almost forgot, I saw Tephie yesterday! That was fun!
Okie dokie I gotta go to college now.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
'One of The Most Obvious Facts About Grown-ups to a Child, is That They Have Forgotten What it is Like to be a Child.' -Randall Jarrell
Church went fine. I just wanted to go there, take the sacrament and listen to some speaker with a message. Done that, came back home... Didn't stay for Sunday school.
It felt absolutely great to walk back home, pondering about what's been said and just about life in general, with that beautiful beautiful blue sky, chilly whether, windy morning on my own. Couldn't have been better. Ya know when the sky is blue blue, cold in the shade and nice and warm in that tiny stripe of sunlight? Well, so that's how it was, or rather, how it is actually. I have this thing for life sometimes. Nature makes me go head over heals for it... (sing a song with that?!). Then I'm in love with everything and everyone I see. That's the way it is, that's the way I am.
I tend to really like my friends. Sometimes, I'll just feel this thing in my heart that I can't really describe, that'll make me smile at the thought of them.
Last night I spoke to Tephie on the phone. I was happy she called. I'll even share that my heart did happen to skip a beat when I saw her name on the caller id. Then... We talked and talked... I kinda did a lot of talking. After we spoke I was so hyper... I'm weird.
I have freakin' too much work to get done for college! Grrr
Mom is going to Vegas! Kewl! I told her to get married in Vegas... THAT is cool! She said no. Bummer. haha
Ai como você está gato aqui! Eu não me aguento! Miau! Hahaha meu pedacinho de mau caminho!

Saturday, May 15, 2004
'The Heart is a Free And a Fetterless Thing-A Wave of The Ocean, a Bird on The Wing.' -Julia Pardoe
Went to the polymer clay guild meeting again. Mom couldn't go cuz she's traveling so she asked me to go in her place. It was kind of fun. I'm not a very crafty person in the sense of working with crafts, but I do enjoy all that can be done. Especially the polymer clay... I think it's really cool.
Jeez my aunt was mad. I told her I'd be back at about 11 or so, it ends up I came back home at 2. She was right, but the stupid meeting lasted so long and I had to stay for the prices! -I did manage to get two cool little thingys. (that in reality have no use in my hands! Mom will like it though...) Besides, she's just so crabby. I know, I know I was wrong...
There's an lds church near her house somewhere, I'm thinking about visiting tomorrow... It starts at 9, and I'm in the mood for church anyways.
Just got back from a Persian cats exhibition. Hmmm it was interesting. Pretty different.
It's raining. I like rain.
I ate dinner at pizza hut. Supreme.
I feel like chatting on-line.
My aunt got two new cds from this Italian dude. It's cool!
Today Celeste's daughter gets married.
I miss my mommy.
I wanna watch Brad Pitt.
I gotta update the website... Better do that now.
Friday, May 14, 2004
'"Tradition" is Very Often an Excuse Word For People Who Don't Want to Change.' -Red Barber
(Words of a bored girl in class): Boring class! 9 people in total counting me. Subject in context: How people don't take in consideration their nation any more. Well, it is an interesting subject after all, and I agree with most of what's being said. It's kinda sad (the whole talk). Now they're talking about public schools here in Brazil, and about how it was when they studied... I so didn't live all of these things. Completely different reality, thank God! - She (teacher) gave us this text to read out of, but the copies are just so horrible you can barely read it. I just wrote mom an e-mail before coming to class. I have bills to pay and I'm not keeping track of our income very well (hard!). I asked mom to tell me what to do so that I can take action. None of my friends are here (closer ones)... leads me to write & talk to myself! How sad is that?!! Hahaha I'm all right. I went to our house today to check on things and to make sure my dog was ok. Poor thing, she's so lonely. I don't want her anymore. I much rather give her to someone who will give her more attention. It's Friday! Wow this week flew by! Oh man I can't stop yawning. Dude, our presentation was/went absolutely great yesterday! The teacher said that the best presentation would present at this acclaimed marketing & publicity college (ESPM)... I'm sure we were the best group! Definitely worth the effort. Oh and it was so funny. We had 8 people in our group... during the day while some of us worked on the final details, me and my friend had a great idea. Since it was a project related to marketing strategies to solve a problem in a certain company we came up with a cool 'jingle' as one of our strategy actions. The plan was that the 8 of us would sing it at the very end of the presentation... so far so good, but instead of just simply singing it, we decided to make it look somewhat like a kareoke song type of thing! No one new about it (not even the group members), so when the little ball started bouncing on screen on top of the lyrics the class broke down in laughter! Hahahaha! Great. - Now, they're talking about how marriage sucks. Hmm interesting, I've heard this before! Oops subjected shifted to women during pms.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
'I Know Just How it Feels To Think of The Right Thing to Say Too Late.' -Robert Frost
Well well well if we're not working hard on our project that's due tonight! Oh yes we are, very hard.
Ick! My aunt made this cheese pie for lunch that's incredibally gross! Yuck makes me gag at the thought of it! Dunno where she gets the idea of becoming a chef from! Definately not from her 'delicious' food! Maybe someone she admires... who knows!
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
'We're Frightened of What Makes us Different. -Anne Rice
I'm starting to think that mom is trying to get us to move to the states. Which by the way, I'm more than happy about.
I had a crappy day yesterday. Nothing really crappy happened but I felt just so crappy. So unproductive.
I finished the intranet I had to get done for our college project, I don't like it that much but it's good enough.
Nossa 2 dias atrás na hora do banho eu fui passar condicionador no cabelo. Geralmente eu não uso condicionador, mas de vez em quando é bom... goshtosinho. Well, fui tentar abrir a tampinha e a super anatomicamente desenhada garrafinha a prova de crianças não abria! Tive que fazer um esforçinho... o treco aparentemente não precisava de nenhuma técnica muito apurada para abrir, sabe nada daqueles lances de abaixa e gira, ou coisas do tipo. Segurei a garrafa com as duas mãos e fiz uma forsinha com os polegares para cima na tentativa de abrir a garrafa... inútil, nada aconteceu. A garrafinha permaneceu intacta e sua tampinha ali fechadinha. Empurra daqui, empurra dali, eu decidi usar todos os dedos para abrir a garrafinha... sabe aquela cena de filme quando a mocinha desesperada ajoelha no chão da praia e pega um monte de areia na mão enquanto chora desesperadamente? Então, resolvi abrir a garrafinha da mesma maneira em que a mocinha do filme pega areia (é lógico que eu não ajoelhei!)... hmmmm arhhggg aha! Abriu!! Uh-oh! O que é todo esse sangue?! AAAhhh consegui cortar o meu dedo abrindo a garrafinha de condicionador! Ouch ta doendo até agora. Nossa como sangrou. - Aí hoje, estava eu, Nashlah Boyayan no banho quando vejo a garrafinha de condicionador olhando pra mim! com aquele ar de engraçadinha. Eu jurei distância dela, mas foi inevitável... agarrei-a com toda vontade do mundo! Será esta mais uma ocasião desafiadora?? Ha! Mas é claro que não! É tudo muito irônico nesta vida, e a tampinha se abriu com a maior facilidade! Descaracterizando todo o meu esforço de dois dias atrás... humpf! AAAh mas não se iluda com a idéia de que eu deixei barato! Hahaha mas não. Claro que não. Agarrei a garrafinha com vontade, como quando a gente vai decorar bolo com aquelas bisnaguinhas e aperta com confiança! Apertei, apertei, apertei, e apertei até sair condicionador do âmago daquela garrafinha! - Nossa como meu cabelo ficou macio!
Dude, things are piling up! The clock is ticking and I have tons of stuff to get done! So many projects for college all of the sudden. If only they didn't involve other people, or in better words, if people didn't depend upon my work it'd be easier or less stressing. Oh well...
I like staying at my aunt's house.
I wanna go to the movies. Let's see, if I get everything that I have planned done, I'll go. On your mark get set go!
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Mother's Day. 130th Day, 236 Left, Week 19.
'No Matter How Old a Mother is, She Watches Her Middle-Aged Children For Signs of Improvement.' -Florida Scot-Maxwell
'No Matter How Old a Mother is, She Watches Her Middle-Aged Children For Signs of Improvement.' -Florida Scot-Maxwell
Mom has arrived. Good. She's so happy, it's like a dream come true.
We had a lunch here at my aunts with grandma and her boyfriend. It went fine... No fights this time, I guess it's because my mom wasn't here. Grandy is worried that my mom might not come back. Dunno where she got that from!
Did I mention that I got a new book by Frank McCourt? Oh yeah I did. I love it!
Why did the gum cross the road? - Cuz it was stuck to the chickens foot. Ouch... Lame one!
I feel good. A little perturbed, but good.
"Hey, I got here just now.
Everything went ok, had no problems at all. Still can't believe I'm here.
Don't know if I'll be able to check the e-mails. Write to you later. The streets here are like Edwards scissors' hand. So cute. Send news.
Luv ya,
Everything went ok, had no problems at all. Still can't believe I'm here.
Don't know if I'll be able to check the e-mails. Write to you later. The streets here are like Edwards scissors' hand. So cute. Send news.
Luv ya,
Saturday, May 08, 2004
'Something's Gotta go Wrong Cuz I'm Feeling Way Too Damn Good.'
It's official. Mom is now gone. I hate departures. Ya know all that that I've said about me wanting her to leave? Well, take that back. I miss her already.
I was so happy for her. She was so happy. She was so excited to go... Dude it's gonna be a great trip. She's gonna travel all around the U.S. with her best friend, ala Thelma & Louise. First off to Vegas! How fun. The initial idea is that she'll be back on the 24th, but both her and I think that that is not gonna happen!
At the airport she was so nervous, and excited, and anxious all at once... She couldn't think straight. It was soooo funny. While doing the check-in the lady would ask her routine questions, just for safety issues... And she couldn't really answer them right! Hahaha I love her.
Tomorrow is her day, and she'll be on that plane. I bet she couldn't find a better way to spend her mothers day... Even if it's without her dear beloved daughter (which in that case, might be tough... Very tough!).
unbelievable I just got Frank McCourt's Memoir, it's the sequel to Angela's Ashes (book which I love.) I found it at the airport. So so happy.
Or actually, a better way to spend her mothers day, would be sitting on that plane WITH her daughter!
Now tell me, when you give people a sheet of paper (hehe reminds me of that teacher who had a strong accent and would say: 'Get out a 'shit' of paper, every time he wanted to say sheet!), with a little questionnaire it's pretty much obvious and self-explanatory that they're supposed to fill it out right? Or is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks that? Oh please mercy, tell me it's not me for pete's sake!
Dang what's wrong with people? -Retards maybe? Hmm tough one... Today mom had a food storage meeting. I went with her, and I was responsible for getting the survey done. Well apparently I didn't do a very good job, cuz people don't seem to understand that when you give them a paper full of questions that they're supposed to answer them! No comments... Oh, and when I ask them for the paper back they look at me and say 'Jeez I can't believe you want a paper back! Talk about being greedy!' Heeelllo I don't want a blank sheet of paper! Shove it if that's a problem, but give me the damn answers!
Ahem recompose...
I'm at aunt's and this is where I'm staying for the next month or so.
Oh man, remember how Gloria Gaynor was gonna give a concert a few weeks ago? Well so she did. But she's giving another one this coming Thursday! I so wanna go! I might even go on my own cuz I can't really find someone to come with me, the thing is it's kind of far... So I need a ride. I'm trying to convince Rafa. I gave up on my aunt.
Let's see what my dog has to say about that...
Friday, May 07, 2004
So um hein...
Wow (opa, isso nao e portugues!), vai tudo sem acento (iiihh ja deu pau! Acento e assim: acento ou assim: assento... hmm, todo caso eu reveso, vou usar as duas opcoes, assim niguem se sente injusticado!) porque o blogger nao vai com a cara deles. Ai vai ficar feio, cheio de ponto de interrogacao no meio das minhas palavras que nem o blog Dele! Ingles e tao melhor... nao tem assento (tive que colocar esta ultima frase ai so pra usar as duas opcoes!). - A minha intuicao me diz que e com 'c'.
Nossa nao poderia haver maior sincronismo entre o meu espirro e o Mauricio abrindo a porta! Caraca minha testa ta suuuuper dolorida! Hahahaha que engracado.
Ontem eu, Ele, Ela e mais Ela fomos numa churrascaria meia tigela do lado da faculdade. Foi bem legalzinho. A aula acabou mais cedo... 'Ei, precisa comer ou pode so beber?' - 'Pode so beber.'
Ontem eu tava inspiradinha pra vender! Ela sempre compra de mim... eles (Ele, Ela) deviam seguir o seu exemplo! ;)
Eu faco xixi em ingles.
Putz, passei o dia inteirinho fazendo as malas e arrumando as coisas pra ir pra casa da minha titia.
Eu to chegando na conclusao que eu e que devo estar chata demais! Nao e possivel, deve ser eu... a minha mae ta simplesmente insuportavel! E quando isso acontece a probabiliade de eu estar chata e encrenqueira e grande, muito grande! Hahaha - Amanha ela vai embora... snif... snif...
Eu conversei na faculdade pra negociar as minhas mensalidades. Eca, parcelar em tres vezes nao ajuda muito!
Eu to com vontade de comer bolacha.
Nossa a mulherzinha do radio acabou de falar que a marginal pinheiros ta mal nos dois sentidos. Nao que eu me importe mas...
Thursday, May 06, 2004
I had a great afternoon with my aunt. We went to a bakery shop and had a good time together.
Today I was incredibly mean with my mom! Hehehe I told her I can't wait till she goes to the U.S. - Dang, I kinda regret having said that, but truth is she's so excited she's driving me crazy!
Getting things organized for me to take care of after she leaves has been our main activity these days. Taking care of bills that have to be paid, people I have to call, and stuff like that.
Talking about bills being paid, today I got a call from my college asking why I didn't pay... What sort of question is that? Jeez ma'am I didn't pay cuz I didn't feel like it! Duh! Cuz I don't have money I told her... fe fi fo fu I smell the blood of an 'English man'... uh-oh.
I feel like eating a chocolate Sunday with extra fudge, what do you say nice pick, eh?! yum-yum.
Not much else to say...
I have to get mom a gift. She wants a ring with the 'at' sign really bad, but I don't know where to get her one though. hmm let me go look...
Today I was incredibly mean with my mom! Hehehe I told her I can't wait till she goes to the U.S. - Dang, I kinda regret having said that, but truth is she's so excited she's driving me crazy!
Getting things organized for me to take care of after she leaves has been our main activity these days. Taking care of bills that have to be paid, people I have to call, and stuff like that.
Talking about bills being paid, today I got a call from my college asking why I didn't pay... What sort of question is that? Jeez ma'am I didn't pay cuz I didn't feel like it! Duh! Cuz I don't have money I told her... fe fi fo fu I smell the blood of an 'English man'... uh-oh.
I feel like eating a chocolate Sunday with extra fudge, what do you say nice pick, eh?! yum-yum.
Not much else to say...
I have to get mom a gift. She wants a ring with the 'at' sign really bad, but I don't know where to get her one though. hmm let me go look...
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
How wonderful it'd be if I understood my feelings, my very own feelings. How careless a person when it comes to love. One day I'll care about that, I'll give it some thought, I'll give it some time, I'll give it some tears.
Wonderful those moments as a kid where love was but a dream, a 'barbie story'. Made perfect to 'ahead-of-their-time' little girls dressed in pink; But not to me. Never to me. I was a natural! 'Forever a Tomboy' that's my motto! Enjoy. Laugh, climb tress, scratch your knees, roller-blades, soccer, b-ball with the guys, caterpillar (yes the animal), mountain bike, skateboard, leader... Crafty leader, joker, teaser, pranks, innocent... Happy.
Nothing else, just happy.
Wonderful those moments as a kid where love was but a dream, a 'barbie story'. Made perfect to 'ahead-of-their-time' little girls dressed in pink; But not to me. Never to me. I was a natural! 'Forever a Tomboy' that's my motto! Enjoy. Laugh, climb tress, scratch your knees, roller-blades, soccer, b-ball with the guys, caterpillar (yes the animal), mountain bike, skateboard, leader... Crafty leader, joker, teaser, pranks, innocent... Happy.
Nothing else, just happy.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
'Reach High, For Stars lie Hidden in Your Soul. Dream Deep, For Every Dream Precedes The Goal.' -Unknown
12:23am. Exact time that I was able to get rid of that nail that was stuck in between my teeth. I swore never to bite my nails again. Yeah right. I remember being in a similar situation back then when I was little where I also swore not to bite my nails, apparently I didn't stick to that. In years of 'biting my nails' experience this was by far the worst 'obstacle' I've faced. Also the one that took the longest to solve.
#14: 'The person who does many things at the same time. It's the person who reads and watches TV or listens to music simultaneously.'
I remember studying for tests in school while listening to music. We had to memorize bible verses and those were the best to study with music cuz I'd stick the verses to some song I liked, making it easier to memorize. I also liked to write and sing at the same time, I still do actually. But back then it was fun, cuz I'd do it till I started writing what I was singing instead of what I was reading. - What I do all the time though, is I'll watch TV and read... obviously I won't read something that requires much thinking...
After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water?
I told mom I'd give her a list of books I'd like her to get me when she goes to the States. I haven't decided which ones I'll ask for yet... I got 'Mangelle' & 'Prozac Nation' on my list, but I'm still trying to think of other ones... any suggestions?
Monday, May 03, 2004
'The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music'
I'm at college cuz my phone isn't working. Phew i got my graphics back... my blog is nothing without its graphics.
It's hard to type when the spacebar doesn't work properly. A stupid someone switched the internet explorer icon for the word pad program so it took 'bout half an hour to get the internet going! Every time i clicked on the internet explorer icon word pad would open...
i bite my nails. I do it withought noticing, as its become a habbit... not a very good one. Well, i guess i was playing with a little nail piece with my tongue and now i got it stuck in between my back teeth. Grrr i can't take it out. It hurts my gum. I've tried everything in hands (my fingers) to get rid of it, but it still doesn't come out. Duh! I look like a retard trying to get rid of it sticking half my hand in my mouth!
One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoos nest.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
'Gravitation Cannot be Held Responsible For People Falling in Love.' -Albert Einstein
Tomorrow mom travels. She has a course to give on business management. I was gonna stay at grandma's, but since it's not that far, and we've got tons of stuff to get done before she fly's to the U.S. she'll just come and go every night, pick me up at college, and we'll sleep at our house. Attention: Adult life coming up soon.
I had a good time at church today. We had this group of people come down from the U.S. called 'Young Ambassadors' and they did a few musical presentations. It was awesome. I seriously fall for anyone who can sing well. In that case, I fell for almost every guy in front of me today! Nahh...
#13: 'Tendency to be always busy with some problem related to oneself or others. They're those people who keep on charging themselves for wrong things done, or about problems from friends or others.'
I'm not such a negative person, but sometimes I notice how I require a little too much from myself. Because of that attitude things remain undone or take forever to get done... I'm in a constant cycle of not accomplishing things because I'm too harsh on myself. I won't like what I have started; therefore finishing it is a hassle. - Also, when being criticized I tend to be overly critical about it as well. The way I usually act is, I'll thank them for the advice and crap, but inside I'll be beating up myself. - Oh and at least once a week (not) I have to hear a sermon on how I defeat my own self when I don't try harder and yadda yadda.
These past couple of days I've been emotionally unstable, not too much, but enough to bother me. Today was my worst day. I think it all started because of a little talk that I had with a friend... I was sharing a few things, and among them a topic that has been left 'untouched' for quite a while now. Little did I know that it should've still been left untouched! Perhaps not, getting things solved or bringing them to a closure might in fact be the best thing to do, but it's definitely not the easiest thing to do. With that, I'm assuming I still haven't dealt with my feelings towards a certain someone, and so from the moment I opened my mouth to talk about it... back to ground zero.
Music And Fashion Were Always The Passion at The Copa, Copacabana.
I wanna go to the U.S. (dang this is the 3rd time I say U.S. -Oops! 4, in this entry). I wanna go to college there. Let me tell ya, as soon as I'm 21 I'm hitting it.
All of my friends from church are leaving. Not that I talk to them that much, but still, they're cared for.
I went to the mall with mom today. We did some shopping... she got herself new shoes & new underwear (ahh!), and a few other things to take with her on her trip. I didn't get anything, or no, I got food, junk food, lots of it.
I watched bits & pieces of 'The Lion King'. Love it.
I've got a zit in a very inconvenient place.
Today I was talking to mom about how they should invent a device where you put the clippers on your head, connect the wires to the computer, and everything that you come to think of is automatically transferred in words on your screen. It would obviously cause us to have zero privacy... but it would help me so much. I often think of things to write when driving, doing the dishes, sweeping the floor and stuff, and when that happens I can't register it at that moment. When it gets done it's not half as good as it was when it was in my mind. -I think it's so possible... look, when we think our brain transmits electrical pulses, right? Well, attach some wires to that with a sensor to capture those pulses, switch the gained data to binary code, and voila! You've got your thoughts on screen! How come nobody thought about this yet?!
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Geeez I'm dead tired. I went to a Franklin Covey workshop today. All day. 'The 4 Disciplines of Execution'. Pretty good. I did some translating as well. Our facilitator was this guy Scot something. Cute guy. Not that that is relevant when we're talking 'bout business right?! ahem yeah, so he was really good at what he was doing. I really did learn a lot... and believe it or not, I can't wait till I start all the planning and crap (the crap word gives it a negative idea, eh? Well, it's not supposed to.)
Oh man I ate so dang much today! Wow, I'm still stuffed from lunch, sheesh I can't control myself! We went to the Meliat Grand Hotel for lunch. I don't like it that much. The place has more name than actual good tasty food (that didn't make sense right?! too bad). The good thing about it was the memories it brought me... as I set a foot at the threshold (hmm) images of our junior/senior banquet popped right into my mind. It was a great night. Not so much the dinner itself nor the time we spent together with the juniors (disappointed?!), but instead, after that when some of us gathered at a friends house, watched a couple movies and had a good time together. Well so back to lunch today... actually, there's nothing else to say... I had lunch period.
I'm done with the newspaper. Time to get started on the intranet.
Yesterday I watched 'The Gold Rush' by Charles Chaplin. Great stuff. We're supposed to use the theories of communication to analyze how the main character deals with his inter, intra, and personal communication and write a paper out of that. Easy peasy.
#12: 'Constant feeling of anxiety. An ADD always has the feeling that he has something to do or think, or that he forgot something.'
I'm definitely freaking anxious. I'm always biting my nails for Pete's sake. And don't get me started on the 'loosing my train of thought' subject as well as on the agonizing feeling that I forgot to do something important. Note: on a daily basis.
oooh ooh ooh back pain back pain!
Oh man I ate so dang much today! Wow, I'm still stuffed from lunch, sheesh I can't control myself! We went to the Meliat Grand Hotel for lunch. I don't like it that much. The place has more name than actual good tasty food (that didn't make sense right?! too bad). The good thing about it was the memories it brought me... as I set a foot at the threshold (hmm) images of our junior/senior banquet popped right into my mind. It was a great night. Not so much the dinner itself nor the time we spent together with the juniors (disappointed?!), but instead, after that when some of us gathered at a friends house, watched a couple movies and had a good time together. Well so back to lunch today... actually, there's nothing else to say... I had lunch period.
I'm done with the newspaper. Time to get started on the intranet.
Yesterday I watched 'The Gold Rush' by Charles Chaplin. Great stuff. We're supposed to use the theories of communication to analyze how the main character deals with his inter, intra, and personal communication and write a paper out of that. Easy peasy.
#12: 'Constant feeling of anxiety. An ADD always has the feeling that he has something to do or think, or that he forgot something.'
I'm definitely freaking anxious. I'm always biting my nails for Pete's sake. And don't get me started on the 'loosing my train of thought' subject as well as on the agonizing feeling that I forgot to do something important. Note: on a daily basis.
oooh ooh ooh back pain back pain!